Wednesday, May 27, 2009

China Again

Imagine if we were building 46 urban rail lines right now. We'd be China.

"China has risen to be the world's largest urban rail transit construction market," Jiao Tongshan, vice-chief of China Communications and Transportation Association, said at the conference. At present, 14 cities are building 46 urban rail lines, which total 1,212 km, he said.


John said...

If we could build 2100 km (1300 mi) of rail for $117 Billion, then we'd be China.

fpteditors said...

John, where have you been. The U.S. spent $117B dismantling rail already built.

John said...

Imagine how much it would cost us to rebuild it. I am assuming that it is mostly heavy rail/subway that China is building.

Anonymous said...

$90mil/mile is not cheep - even by US standards

Pantograph Trolleypole said...

It is if it's mostly subway/heavy rail which I believe much of it is...

Anonymous said...

With $117 billion you could build 2925 miles of high speed rail line or 11700 miles of normal railroad track.

Anonymous said...

With G$117 you could build 7200000 miles of dirt track.