Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The Mobility Myth

Richard Layman over at Rebuilding Place in the Urban Space discusses the interesting comments from the Washington Post editorial board on reducing congestion. Fred Hiatt of the Post states wrongly of course that we can build our way out of congestion and that we can never fix it is a myth. But the real myth Layman says is: "anyone who wants to can drive a car whenever they want and that the roads to accommodate them can be easily provided." He's right. We shouldn't be building to accommodate free flow whenever people need to use the roads. There are certain times a day when of course everyone is going from one place to another.

Mr. Layman also brings about the following Private Mobility Myth from Bacon's Rebellion Blog

Regardless of where they live, work, seek services and participate in leisure activities, citizens believe that it is physically possible for the government to build a roadway system that allows them to drive wherever they want to, whenever they want to go there and arrive in a timely and safe manner.

The Private-Vehicle Mobility Myth helps parents convince themselves that the house with the “big yard” may be a long way from where the jobs, services, recreation and amenities are now, but that will change. Politicians reinforce the myth by continuing to promise that “soon” they will improve the roads and the big yard owners will be able to get to wherever quickly.

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