Monday, March 26, 2007

The Success of the Hiawatha Line Has Consequences

The Space Race is on and in Minneapolis different parts of the region are expecting more now that the Hiawatha line has proved the success of Light Rail. With planning for the Central Corridor underway and funding secured for the North Star Commuter rail, the first parts of the planning process have started for the Southwest Corridor. But the Northwest doesn't really like that and they want to be treated like everyone else. This is why they've forgone the BRT option and begun to study streetcar and light rail. Not only that, a massive streetcar plan is in the works to replace the heaviest bus lines and spur development. This is why I love following the space race. With only one successful line, the region is quickly planning for an upgrade that will match that of the best transit cities. I hope to see this come to fruition.

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