Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Did You Know?

Curitiba along with its intense zoning has social service and cultural hubs at its bus transfer stations. The City also has a transfer of development rights program. Read more about this history here. Don't get me started on BRT though...they will be building a metro shortly, apparently with a world bank loan. It should be ready they say by 2009. Translate the article here. Portuguese to English. It's from 2003 and has been around a while, still interesting though even if i can't find any information on it.

Mayor Cassio Taniguchi announced, in the tuesday, that Curitiba will implant a system of light subway in the narrow channels of the axle North-South highway. For the proposal, the passage of the subway will have 19,5 kilometers and will be same praticamento of the current biarticulated buses.

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