Happy 4th of July. It was an exciting day as all of my trips today were either on Muni Metro or walking but I wonder how everyone else did their traveling on our nation's birthday. My day included going to a movie, going to get dinner from the grocery store and going to watch fireworks. My sister and I took Muni to see Ratatouille. walked to the grocery store to get burgers to grill and took Muni to Duboce to see the fireworks.
Every time we walked out of my door I saw my car sitting on the curb and smiled. It's a great liberating feeling to know that I can get around without having to get in the car. I don't have to do the driving meaning i can chat with my sister about how good the movie is without worrying about hitting people while using hand gestures. We could walk to the grocery store and stop in shops along the way that sold wine, cheese, beer, shoes or whatever else. We could also listen to the little kids talking about Star Wars and Pokeman. It's pretty cool, I'm not gonna lie, I just wish everyone had the same options.
Feel Free to post your own transit-oriented Independence Day in the Comments.
Well for what it is worth, up here in Seattle, I got up used a King County Metro bus (#15) to go downtown to my favorite coffee shop, that was only open for short hours, then I hoped on a (#57) for a quick ride to Alki Beach. It was so nice out here. I know Seattle is a lot like SF in that when it is nice, it is really nice. Then I hoped back on the (#57) back into downtown, and transfered to the (#17) to watch the fireworks at South Lake Union. Awesome. Nice show this year as well! I then hoped on the (#17) again after the show which took me a block from where my day started.