Monday, July 9, 2007

Katy Freeway and Wasted Opportunities

This is amazing. While Rep. John Culbertson got funding for massively expanding I-10 to 23 lanes while knocking out businesses and homeowners against their will, nobody planned ahead for rapid transit on I-10. They instead planned four toll lanes in the median while building over a rail right of way. Genius! Now Metro doesn't know how they are going to get rail along the right of way but I guess they won't be figuring it out anytime soon.

It's might be better in the long run. Because we really don't want to have rail in the median of a freeway. It might be cheaper but I'm not sure its so great for urbanism given that the high speeds and winds generated from the freeway. It scares away pedestrians. Denver's line seems to be doing well. But I think if there was a subway through Orinda and Lafayette on BART, they would be much different places.

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