Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Free Rides

Lots of talk about fare free transit lately...

Muni says it would be too popular, so they probably won't do it.

Bill King, the former Mayor of Kemah, a city outside of Houston says perhaps Houston should try. Rad Salee at the Chronicle says, perhaps its a bad idea.

There has also been much talk about the Kheel plan in New York City also, taking money from congestion pricing to pay for free transit.

What's your take?


  1. Just like roads are "free" to use so should mass transit...

  2. the problem is that roads are not free- we pay for them through taxes, not based on use. transit should cost, and so should road use (congestion charges, tolls).

    subsidized passes are fine for people who can't afford transit passes, but walkers/bicyclists shouldn't be required to subsidize bus/subway riders.
