Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Help Sacramento Enter the Transit Space Race

Update from comments: Brian also mentions that when the page comes up only scenario A comes up. Hopefully they will remedy this so that folks see all three scenarios from which to choose.

Sactown is looking at scenarios for future transit. In order to build out their network, they will need to build light rail, commuter rail, streetcar circulators and new BRT lines. I think a true network expansion is something that everyone can get behind. Well they are asking for folks opinions. So if you live in Sacramento, give them your ideas.

Scenario A - Limited Funding

Scenario B

Scenario C - Full Funding

Also, take a visit to the local transit blogs. RT Driver & RT Rider

Thanks to reader Brian Goldner for the heads up.

1 comment:

  1. i also made the objection that this survey only has map C displayed, even displaying it under the name "Map A," I hope this is a misstake and not some insidious plan to get ppl to vote for Map A even tho they mean map C.
    I emailed RT a few days ago, but they haven't gotten back to me
