Thursday, May 29, 2008

Denver Bill Could Allow Public Bonds and Joint Development

The Denver Transit Stop has a post up alerting folks to a new bill passed by a house committee in the Colorado legislature that would allow the Regional Transit District to sell tax exempt bonds and loan the money to contractors building PPPs.

Another twist is that the bill would allow the private entities to use the money to develop at the stations. I'm not sure if this includes eminent domain but it does allow joint development which would be a way to offset some of the costs of the overall project.

The bill language states:
...political subdivision may, in connection with a mass transportation system project financed by private activity or exempt facility bonds issued by the district, lend or grant money or any other form of real, personal, or mixed property directly to a private business developing or operating the project or indirectly to such a private business through the district and may enter into contracts to make such loans and grants, all upon terms and conditions the district or private business and the state, state agency, county, municipality, (etc)...
Very interesting.

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