Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Standard Response: X Project is a Black Hole

I've noticed a lot of taxpayer associations popping up talking about black holes. Perhaps they are scared of a certain super collider, but its usually a rail line that will severely hamper their ability to drive. Right? I mean they are freedom destroyers. This one is in response to the Norfolk Light Rail to Virginia Beach:
"This project is nothing but a black hole on the backs of the taxpayers," said Robert Dean of the Virginia Beach Taxpayer Alliance.
Project Name - Verb - Black Hole


  1. Man, it sucks to have a black hole on your back.

  2. Maybe a "black hole on your back" describes what this guy is?

    Just remember, never stand between the average Virginian and their motor vehicle.

    Note: People in Arlington and Alexandria are NOT average Virginians.

  3. A lot of highway projects are black holes or money pits.

  4. I guess they got tire of "boondoggle".

  5. No, I think Boondoggle got dropped because it's not threatening enough. It almost sounds like a type of carnival. Like, "look at this stuffed bear I won at the Jefferson County Boondoggle last summer." Nobody thinks black holes are fun sounding. Particularly when they're perched on your back, apparently.

  6. That sure is a lot of red Cap'n. $18 Billion is no joke.

  7. Thanks, Pan! Most of that $18 billion is the $14.5 billion the New York State DOT wants to spend replacing the Tappan Zee Bridge with a wider span.
