Thursday, October 23, 2008

Is the TTC Really Dead?

The Trans Texas Corridor is what keeps a lot of ranchers and landowners up at night worrying if their property is going to be cut into pieces by the largest land grab in state history. As of now, it might be dead. What a huge waste of space. It was supposed to be a quarter mile wide for trucks, pipelines, cars, and trains or so they said. I won't count my chickens until the smoke disappears but I hope it doesn't just die, but goes down in a fantastic fireball that takes slick Rick and his hair with it.
"I want to clear this up. I did not vote for the Trans-Texas Corridor and you're welcome to look at the voting records," he said in a broadcast by KXAN in Austin. Then Craddick, a Republican who was debating his Democratic opponent, Bill Dingus, in Midland, stuck a fork in the Trans-Texas Corridor and declared the ambitious plan done, according to KXAN. "Everybody in Austin knows it's dead," he said. "Everybody across the state knows it's dead. It's just something to be talking about."


  1. When I read about the TTC, My first thought was "holy s^&t!

  2. I thought the whole thing was a sham. They made it supremely ambitious so it (the rail part at least) would fail.

  3. When I first saw it, I thought "Toronto Transit Commission", as in the Canadian city. But when I found out that it was the Trans-Texas Corridor, I was relieved.

    From the article: "A strategy to fund it with private financing was hailed by free marketers nationwide and jeered by a spectrum of naysayers such as farmers and environmentalists."

    However, these "free marketers" failed to notice all the statism involved in acquiring that corridor, like Eminent Domain.

  4. Yeah, at first I was thinking about Toronto too.

  5. another grandiose poorly thought out plan thats more ridiculous that huckabee's pulled-out-of-his-ass plan to add a lane to the whole length of I-95

  6. Whole length of I-95? From Maine to Florida? Must have been from when Huckabee was President. Anyway, this project in Texas is very excessive, especially in terms of the freeway part, but maybe one could say this about rail as well. I must have been thinking about Toronto in this. S**t.
