Sunday, October 19, 2008

October in San Francisco

Another weekend, another Muni Fail to the game. I got passed by three 22 Fillmore buses before I could get on one. I'm even more convinced now that more buses on routes are not the answer with the constant special events on the weekend. It's a North South subway. Even if the J just went underground at Market Street and continued North to the Marina it would be worth it. In any event, I had another exciting Saturday watching the Texas game and went to the Red Bull Soap Box Derby which was only a few blocks from my house.

Muni LRV at Dolores Park

The Derby had an attendance of 75,000.

People were hanging from windows and fire escapes

Lots of trespassers on the private ROW

Soap Box Vehicles. A hamster wheel that spun and a baseball

Here are a few Videos from the Derby. My favorite was the Death Star, but the fastest I saw was the fire truck....woosh.

Fire Truck

Death Star

Rubicks Cube


  1. That event was a lot of fun. We got there around 1130 and wow was it full of people....and it just got more crowded!

    We left a little early to avoid the crush but ended up walking to Church and Duboce, just assuming that the 22 would be packed and it wasn't that far anyway.

    I liked the Death Star and the baseball with the smoke.

  2. saw the exact same thing in providence this past spring, people were also trespassing in the private bus-only tunnel under college hill
