Friday, October 3, 2008

Walking and Biking is Wacky

h/t Treehugger


  1. Wow people are idiots

  2. No, the people who have taken over the republican party are dishonest and can only argue at levels DH0 and DH1 (

    A valid argument would entail some kind of balanced discussion of the issues, perhaps talking about the combined merits of driving everywhere and the value oil consumption brings the US economy.

  3. Holy crap ... that ad is depressing. I'm going to go cry now. It's really funny that the GOP is apparently the party of "no personal sacrifices" now. Funny -- I vaguely remember a time when that was the solution to everything.

  4. I hope she wins, it seems like she's really being conservative.

  5. Yes. So, they want us to make a "personal sacrifice" - and that means we should all be forced to give up our cars. Who wants to do this anyway? That's just for sissies. Real people drive in Hummers. If you don't drive, you are, as Bill O'Reilly shouts, a "far left loon", and not driving is un-American, "personal sacrifices" are un-American, and you're a sissy and want al Qaeda to win.

    Okay, I was being sarcastic. It was a swipe at Republicans and at "Falafel Man" Bill O'Reilly. He uses "far left loon" a lot, and can't tell the difference between a loofah and a falafel.
