Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Doling Out Stations

After the main station locations are decided along a commuter rail line, I've been thinking that perhaps there could be a few more auctioned off to the highest bidder. In Utah, a station location hasn't been decided but a development agreement is in place in Draper along the South End of the commuter rail line making things a bit interesting. If the developer offered to build the station and maybe that section of track, I say UTA would get a pretty good deal.


  1. Coming in fast on the inside is Jacksonville. We seem to have fixed the BRT mess and are now moving toward commuter rail and streetcar. We're already onboard with FTA, which begs the question...

    Why are we not in the poll?

    Certainly a BILLION dollar 26 mile BRT scheme is worthy of the WORST project award!


  2. isnt there something about a developer funding the west dublin bart station?

  3. yeah, they did a partial funding. I'm not exactly sure how it worked but it wasn't just the transit agency.
