Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Maddow "Geeks Out" on HSR

I believe this map was released in 2005. So not new, but cool its getting props on the cable.


  1. That's awesome...gotta love Maddow.

  2. Anyone take note of this HSR tidbit in the Washington post on Feb 19th?

    "Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood sent the White House a "comprehensive memo" with recommendations on how to jump-start high-speed rail service nationally, he told reporters yesterday. The memo identified several potential high-speed rail corridors in the country and addressed potential means of paying for a system. LaHood said President Obama wants to make high-speed rail a signature achievement of his presidency."

  3. That's some damn good news, I sure hope it happens and he really pushes for it. I'm still shocked to hear things like this coming out of the White House after eight years of crap.

  4. very very good to see.

    But I cant believe the media is still drinking the republican cooked up kool aid regarding HSR being Harry Reid pork.

    Help support the portland streetcar extension and other transit and amtrak projects on stimulus watch, it needs the support...
