Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Breaking: Car Crashes Into Car

You never see the headline above or the phrase "A car collided with another car today in Phoenix" although I'm sure that it happens every day. What makes this so different from this?

BREAKING: Crash between light rail and car in central Phoenix

Beware of the train! It's so dangerous that if you drive in front of it, you'll get hit!! Or if you were paying attention, you wouldn't.
Valley Metro tells 3TV a driver reportedly turned in front of the train and hit the light rail car on Central and Highland, just north of Campbell.


  1. Reminds me of Houston's Greatest Hits:

  2. Obviously, it's the train's fault. I mean, the train should have maneuvered around the car.

  3. actually, TV news (at least in our market) does seemingly cover about every car crash that happens. but yeah, i get what you mean...

  4. The person in the white car needs to go back to driving school.

  5. This reminds me of a time years ago when I was taking the (Boeing) L-Taraval home from the zoo. It hit a VW bug after pulling away from that first stop. The car's occupants got out and approached the Muni driver, yelling that he had swerved and hit them.
