Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Imagine KC

A very cool video from Kansas City. Explains it all well.

Imagine KC from Jonathan Arnold on Vimeo.


  1. I love it. The parking part is the best. So much urban space is lost to parking it's not even funny.

    Of course, anti-rail jerks are going to cry, "They just want to make their developer buddies rich!"

    I hope they do get rich. Anybody who makes cities more livable and walkable deserves some dough.

  2. Reminds me of this video from Cincinnati's efforts.

  3. Excellent video. I enjoyed it and have forwarded the URL of the posting to some friends.

    For a perfect example of how parking can ruin a town, look at New Haven CT.

  4. Yeah, I like the part with all the parking. I've been in some of these places, and even those with skyscrapers have what amounts to about 10 blocks of pure parking...all around the skyscrapers. It's ugly and makes places look like a wasteland.

    And these anti-rail jerks have developer buddies of their own that will get equally as rich, and they'll do it in ways that create fewer jobs and leave more droppings behind and essentially create very depressing areas.

  5. This is excellent. Apparently there's there's not enough money in it because I've never seen a commercial like this on TV. Or perhaps people (and hence advocacy groups) just aren't passionate enough about transit-oriented development, they're too worried about gay marriage I suppose.

  6. This is great! We need to start teaching this stuff in schools. Public health, government, history etc. are all important subjects. What about transportation? It's a huge part of civic life - it defines the way we live.

  7. This is like porn for smart-growthy, transit types.
