Thursday, April 16, 2009

Transit Lobby Strong Like Ox

I almost spit out my drink when I saw this comment from our favorite O'Toole.
Second, Congress could increase the share of funds dedicated to transit. The transit lobby is powerful and the highway lobby is weak, but the latter probably still has enough power to stop that idea.
Bwahahaha. I wonder if Randall was out teabagging today.


  1. He's obviously been looking at the world with the wrong pair of glasses. One could only wish this was true.

  2. Randall was smoking the tea.

  3. Well maybe he was talking about with the current administration. As Obama did just say "Building a new system of high-speed rail in America will be faster, cheaper and easier than building more freeways or adding to an already over-burdened aviation system, and everybody stands to benefit." and lay out plans for spending $8 billion over the next five years.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. if theres any lobbying with transit and rail, its all citizen based support like $20 NARP membership.

    remember randall otoole published a book called the "vanishing automobile", even with high gas prices and a dead big 3, peak oil, and reduced miles traveled, the automobile clearly isnt going away.

  6. The crazy thing is that O'Toole gets paid for being an A$$HOLE!

  7. Reminds me of the Onion's crazy right-wing editorial cartoon a few weeks ago, showing the poor damsel in distress, "U.S. Economy" tied down to the train tracks while a train, "Powerful Amtrak Lobby" driven by Death himself bears down on her. Sometimes reality is crazier than the Onion.

  8. Jeff, I can assure you Randal is NOT gay. I've met his squeeze, who is female.

  9. Here we go again. O'Toole is apparently convinced his beloved highway lobby isn't getting a large enough share. He thinks the "transit lobby" is a behemoth crushing the highway lobby.

    The self described "antiplanner" thinks everything is just fine with cars.
