Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Grape Flavors

Governor O'Malley will choose LRT for both the Red and Purple lines tomorrow which has been an awaited decision for a long time. I hope that the Red line will not be another stand alone line like the green line and the existing LRT line. Not being able to share equipment and operating a single line with shops etc for each line in the system seems wasteful to me. Honestly both of these lines should be Metro subway lines, unfortunately these days all we do is look at the cost first and long term benefits and value last. Such is life I guess.


  1. aside: Does anyone actually like artificial grape flavour?

  2. Usually it just tastes like sugar, but there is a specific flavor. I used to like it. Might be too much for my taste now.

  3. As expected, Governor O'Malley made his selections. This is a major victory for light rail supporters like yours truly. Of course, if they hadn't bungled, in Baltimore the Red Line would probably have been a subway. And I would prefer a subway under Eastern Ave. to a deviatory route to the south. Yes, it costs money, but this f**king shortsightedness has gone amok and really needs to stop.

    I think I must appear to know now why this post is titled as such. Grapes are coloured purple. I think I've had grape flavoured cough syrup before. :)

  4. Should have been heavy rail lines

  5. Definitely sour grapes.

  6. I agree that they should be heavy rail. However, time is too precious to waste on securing the funding for that. These projects have been in planning for over two decades. Under current funding metrics, they would never happen as heavy rail. We're happy that they're going forward now. Something that works is better than nothing at all. These projects will work and succeed as light rail.

    We will have far more benefit from getting the projects funded and constructed as soon as possible. The light rail will have good land use impacts and that's a big piece of what's at stake here.
