Thursday, August 13, 2009

Shameless Plug

So at work we're starting a blog. The basic premise is best practices and information on Transit Oriented Development including hopefully posts from experts from around the country and more information about the work we do. I don't mention work here much because well I'd rather this blog stay my own opinion and not drag work into it. But in this instance, I thought folks would be interested in what is going on over there. So check it out if you get a chance.


  1. It's hard to read the blog when every post consists of just a few lines above the fold.

  2. Sounds good, I'll add this to my daily blog list.

    Does anyone know anything about the website It was a really good site listing and describing in detail all the West Coast TNDs, TODs, urban infills, and partial implementations of these. It no longer exists and is only available here at the internet archive...

    West Coast TNDs
