Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Tuesday Night Notes

Tram trains in are starting in England. It would be interesting to see if cities in the United States start looking at tram trains as a model.
Kemper Freeman really doesn't get the gold mine he could be standing on.
Apparently the Lehman collapse has slowed Caltrain's electrification. From house testimony:
Losses in our county alone, for example, include: $25 million in San Mateo County Transit Authority funds that will stall planned electrification of the Caltrain Peninsula Commuter Rail Service


  1. how many US cities have nighttime freight service on their LRT lines? i can only think of the NJT river line and i know at one time san diego.

  2. Tram-Trains? Didn't we just call them "Interurbans" in the past?

  3. Leave it to Lehman again to stop one of the few beacons of real progress in this country (real European style EMU transit; only Caltrain is willing to take this on).

  4. How are MN/LIRR/NJT not "real" EMU transit? Or for that matter Metra Electric/NICTD? Or do the East Coast and Midwest just not exist for you West Coast types? Sure, Caltrain is going for an FRA waiver, which is new and interesting, but it's not like the idea self-propelled electric cars with level boarding (the last one definitely not a European feature) is new to this country.

  5. Oh yes, I forgot Denver. And Denver's EMU lines are going to be the Eastern kind, likely with FRA-compliant single-level EMUs, and definitely with high level platforms.

  6. i think denver's BRT line to boulder is also supposed to be curtiba/bogata style BRT, so at least they are doing real BRT not half assed BRT like most.
